The Best Ways To Use Your Affirmations


It is essential that you recite your affirmations each day so that you will achieve the best results with them.

Doing this every so often is not going to work.

A lot of guides on the subject will tell you that you need to read your affirmations when you get up in the morning.

The reason for this is that it will set you up for the day ahead.

There is nothing wrong with this in principle but it may not be convenient for you to recite your affirmations when you get up.

In this chapter we will look at timing and other issues so that you can get the most from your affirmations on a daily basis.

Choose the Best time for you

We do not believe in hard and fast rules when it comes to the recital of your affirmations at specific times during the day.

You need to do what is best for you.

Not everyone is a morning person.

If you have a tendency to be a bit “zombie” like in the mornings then it probably isn’t the best time for you to read out your affirmations.

Think about the times during the day that are best for you to read your affirmations.

Remember that you need to read them with passion and belief so if you are not feeling at your best first thing in the morning for example then choose another time.

There is no reason why you shouldn’t read out your affirmations in the evening when you return home from work.

You could do this during your lunch break if that suits you best.

Maybe just before you are going to bed at night is the best time for you?

This is totally your decision.

While it is recommended that you read out your affirmations at around the same time every day this is not critical.

What is critical is that you read them with passion and belief.

So, if you have decided on a lunchtime routine for your affirmations and for some reason you cannot do this one day then just do them later.

Don’t beat yourself up over this.

Use a Journal and keep a Schedule

You must make the reading of your affirmations a priority in your life.

We recommend that you start a daily journal if you are not already doing this. Just start out with a cheap notepad – you don’t need anything fancy.

If you use a schedule for all of your activities (get started doing this if you are not doing it now) then add your affirmations to the schedule every day.

It doesn’t matter if you use a paper-based schedule or one on your computer.

With a computer-based schedule you can set alerts for your affirmations.

You can do your Affirmations more than once a Day

We are not going to tell you that you only need to do your affirmations once a day.

You can read out your affirmations as many times a day as you need or want. It is a great idea to use your affirmations whenever you need them.

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