Some people make the same mistakes with affirmations and then claim that positive affirmations just don’t work.
We want to share these mistakes with you so that you can avoid them.
Positive affirmations do work – you just need to do them right.
If you find that some of your affirmations are working well for you and others are not then you need to review this list of mistakes to detect what is wrong.
No matter how carefully you have planned and created your affirmations you may experience that some of them are not effective.
1. You are using Affirmations for the sake of it
When you were at school, did they have a statement confirming your allegiance that you had to chant on a regular basis?
Most schools have this.
If you did this, can you remember all of the words of this allegiance?
A lot of people will not be able to remember this.
The reason for not being able to remember your school allegiance statement has probably nothing to do with the fact that it was all a long time ago.
Most of us can remember things that our parents said to us when we were children.
These things stood out for us and we kept them in our memory banks.
You recited the school allegiance because you had no choice.
Everyone else in the assembly hall was doing this so you had to join in.
The words meant nothing to you as you were just going through the motions.
It was something that you did for the sake of it.
We have talked about belief a lot in this guide because it is so important.
A trap that some people fall into when they are reciting affirmations is that they just do it mechanically.
After a while they see it as a chore that they need to perform each day.
If an affirmation has helped you transform your life then you may already think the job is done so why keep repeating it?
To avoid this, we recommend that you review your list of affirmations at least once a month to begin with.
You can extend this review time after a while but do not make this longer than a year.
In the review, examine all of the affirmations and ask yourself if they have helped to change your life.
If you find any that have not had much of an impact then we recommended that you determine some specific actions that will test this area of your life.
This will then give you more passion when you are reciting this particular affirmation.
2. You don’t Really want the Affirmation to work
Why on earth would you write and recite an affirmation that you didn’t want to work for you?
The problem comes with the necessary actions associated with the affirmation.